"I wanted to thank you again for the wonderful class…I love the fact that I can now start my own fire, make my own cordage and be more aware of what it takes to survive in the wilderness. I can't wait to put some of my newfound skills to use." - B.

"The tracking class was a real eye-opener for us. We had always gone out hiking with the hope of seeing wildlife. Finding tracks was the consolation prize. Now we are delighted to see tracks or signs - we look for them everywhere." - M.

"Just wanted to tell you that I thought the [tracking] class you gave this past weekend was really extraordinary…I liked the way each activity flowed into and built onto the next so smoothly. That doesn't happen without great preparation and thought." - A.

"Keep up the good work. Several employees of my company have attended your classes in tracking, and they have been very beneficial. We are now performing a study for a land trust that wishes to create a corridor…involving monitoring of animal tracks at five different underpasses…The skills and training from your courses are invaluable for this study." - L.

"Thanks for the awesome experience of being in the survival skills training. I really enjoyed the challenge of the debris shelter, making fire, connecting with my plant relations and the hand worked spoon! On a deeper level, I was reminded of how precious people I work with are - thank you for that! You are awesome!" - A.

"Rarely has a course of instruction so fully met my expectations... I must say the Fire Making Workshop is a must attend... [I] thank [the instructor] for the time, care and attention he applied to my personal success with fire. He provided a gift of understanding and respect I will carry with me the rest of my life." - P.

"The courses we've taken with you have made a big difference in our awareness and enjoyment of life. We notice tracks wherever we are, in or out of the city, and I use the Earth Philosophy skills constantly." - H.

"I don't know if I ever told you how much we enjoyed the Earth Skills Retreat you organized for the [University] Honors Program or how many subsequent enthusiastic comments I heard from students." - G.

"Thank you for such a great weekend. I really went beyond my boundaries. That was all new territory for me. Yet each of you created an environment which made it all seem possible." - W.

"My travels have taken me all over the west from Montana to Arizona. I thought that you would enjoy knowing that what I learned in your classes has been with me every step of the way." - S.

"I enjoyed your wilderness class, it was great…I just got back from a 5 day backpacking trip. It made me more aware of everything around me. I even brought up my fire making tools and guess what it worked!!" - H.

"Thank you so much for an outstanding weekend…Each hour was better than the last. One thing I have enjoyed is the people I have met. We all many have some common interests, but with such varying backgrounds, we seem to work well together." - S.